This week in Physics Jan. 13-17

 In Physics

Dear Parents,

​The students jumped right back into their school work when they returned from the break.  They really did! Well,  most of them at least! We are on the running stretch for the science fair.  Please remind your student to complete their science fair experiments and their STEM designs.

Parents, we need your help!

We are in need of parent volunteers to help us judge the science fair, run the STEM Tables, and assist Mrs. G with the Escape the Room Math Challenge!  To sign up, please visit the link below:

Thursday is Fair / Festival Day for the next two weeks.  These are the only class days the students will have to work on their projects. We will have only two more days in class for them to work on their research papers, display boards, and their STEM projects.  Please assist your student in remembering to bring in their projects to work on.

San Tan Science Fair / STEM Festival Upcoming Dates:

​1/8/20 – Science
​Fair Experiment Complete

1/29/20 – Science Fair Board / STEM
Project Complete

2/1/20 – Science Fair / STEM
Festival (Saturday)

2/5/20 – Final Report Due

Visit our Science Fair / STEM Festival website for all up to date information and resources –

Here is our class schedule for the next week:

10.4  Combined Gas Law
10.5  Universal Gas Law
Gas Law Lab

Unit 10 Group Test

Unit 10 Individual Test

Science Fair Day

11.1 Harmonic Motion and Waves
Workbook 10.2  & 10.3

ONLINE Textbook and practice:

Just as a reminder, students cannot make up labs if they are absent, but they can take detailed notes and complete the practice sets for full credit.

I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have as we move forward in the year.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School