This Week in Physics (Dec 6-10)

 In Physics

Dear Parents and students,

It is almost time for Winter break and the students are ready!  But before we go we still need to complete a few things.  Please keep in mind that all missing work must be turned in by Dec. 10th.  No late work will be accepted after that date.  Also, the first draft of the science and stem paper is due before Winter break.   You can find all the information for the Science Fair and the Stem Fest here:

Let’s stay strong and finish the semester well.

Here is our class schedule for this week:

Science Fair / STEM Fest Paper first draft and start laying out powerpoint
Research Paper
Access the template for the research paper on the website:
Power Point (only for science fair)
The rules are long and tedious for the powerpoint: the layout, colors, fonts and so forth are very strict. Get the template for the powerpoint here:

Finish Science Fair / STEM Fest Paper first draft

9.1 Heat, Temperature, and Thermal Energy
Workbook 13.3
Think about what you will do for your HEAT Project next week. What will you do? Design and perfom an experiment on video showing the application of heat, temperature, thermal energy, heat transfer or specific heat. You will have a partner.

9.2 Heat Transfer
Workbook 13.4
Think about what you will do for your HEAT Project next week. What will you do? Design and perfom an experiment on video showing the application of heat, temperature, thermal energy, heat transfer or specific heat. You will have a partner.

9.3 Specific Heat
Workbook 13.5
Think about what you will do for your HEAT Project next week. What will you do? Design and perfom an experiment on video showing the application of heat, temperature, thermal energy, heat transfer or specific heat. You will have a partner.

San Tan’s annual Gifted Testing event is approaching quickly! 

If you are interested in having your child tested for giftedness, please complete the digital Parent Request Form, along with the $50 Co-Pay, linked below.  Gifted testing is will be offered in mid. February.   Once a child is identified as gifted, they do not need to retest.  Gifted testing will begin in mid- February.

  • If your child is currently in a gifted class and identified as ‘provisional’ they will automatically be retested, you do not need to send in the recommendation form. : -)
  • Gifted Testing Requests are due no later than January 12th of 2022.
  • Digital Parent Request & Payment:  Click Here


Instructional videos for each day are found in your CK-12 reading.
All Practices must be completed with at least 80% mastery to be accepted.
All work is due Friday by 3:30PM


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School