This Week in Physics Dec. 16-20

 In Physics

Dear Parents,

This week the students finished the first draft of the science fair research paper.  Several are struggling with putting their thoughts down on paper.  If you have a chance have them share their work with you in case you have suggestions for their projects.  Students will have time in class to work on their boards and papers, but they need to complete their science experiments and their STEM projects over the break.  Check out our science fair website for due dates, important links, and templates:

As promised,  here is the schedule for the coming week:

9.4  Calorimetry
9.4 Review and Explore more

Unit 9 Group Test

Unit 9 Individual Test

Thursday  (half day)
Physics Jeopardy

Friday   (half day)
No Class

ONLINE Textbook and practice:

Just as a reminder, students cannot make up labs if they are absent, but they can take detailed notes and complete the practice sets for full credit. Tests can be made up online once they have been assigned. They will be found under assignments in your student’s ck12 account.

I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again,

Chris Newton
Biology and Physics
San Tan Charter High School