This week in Physics 3/19/3/20

 In Physics

Dear Parents,

Another quarter is finished!  All of the students are very excited to have some down time this next week.  They have worked hard this quarter.  We will continue to study electricity when we return.  The students will create circuits, batteries and build some cool projects.  This past week the students jumped, screamed and laughed as they ran from the sparks of the Van de Graaff generator.  Electricity is fun!

Here is our class schedule for the week we return:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday  NO SCHOOL

16.1  Voltage
Workbook 16.1

16.2  Current
Workbook 16.2

ONLINE Textbook and practice:

Just as a reminder, students cannot make up labs if they are absent, but they can take detailed notes and complete the practice sets for full credit. I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have as we move forward in the year.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School