This Week in Biology (May 10-14)

 In Biology, Scholars Prep Science - 7th Grade

Dear Parents and students,

This week we will dissect a pig as we finish our unit on mammals!  Please keep in mind that all assignments for the entire semester are due this Friday.  No work will be accepted after Friday! Your student can still bring their grade up until that point.

Here is our class schedule for next week:

Notes and Practice: 12.24  Mammal Overview
12.25  Mammal Structure and Function
12.26  Endothermy
12.27  Locomotion
Project: Illustrate and Diagram the internal structure of a pig

PIG Dissection (All Class)
As you dissect the pig, first look at how the organs are arranged.  Next,  cut out each organ and place it on paper in its proper place and label it.

12.28  Placental Mammals
Notes and Practice: 12.29  Marsupials
Project:  Marsupial biology is distinct from other animals.  Illustrate and diagram the components of marsupial biology that are different from other animals and explain in detail how the birth process works.  50 words

12.30  Monotremes
Notes and Practice: 12.33  Mammal Classification
Project:  Illustrate and diagram a monotreme of your choice.  Make sure to label all the parts.  What is a monotreme?   What makes monotremes like the platypus so strange?  50 words.

Makeup Day


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School