This week in Biology Feb. 10-14

 In Biology

Dear Parents,

We have been exploring the amazing microscopic world of bacteria this week.  We also finished our SCIENCE/STEM Fair research papers.  The research papers are a large grade.  If your student is showing a missing grade they can upload the paper to infinite campus.

Here is our class schedule for the next week:

7.6  Bacteria Reproduction
7.7  Bacteria and Humans
In 50 words or more, describe how bacteria reproduce.  Then illustrate the process.

7.8  Viruses
7.9  Virus Characteristics
Workbook 13.2 (all)

7.10  Virus Structure
7.11  Virus Classification
Practice on 7.9&7.10
Create a short comic to explain what you learned today.  Include at least 4 squares.

7.12  Virus Origin
7.13  Virus Replication
7.14  Viral Disease
LAB: Viruses can be transferred through bodily fluids

7.15  HIV
7.16  Virus Control
7.17  Viruses in Research
Life cycle of HIV worksheet

ONLINE Textbook and practice:

Just as a reminder, students cannot make up labs if they are absent, but they can take detailed notes and complete the practice sets for full credit.  I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have as we move forward in the year.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School