This Week in Biology (April 11-15)

 In Biology, Scholars Prep Science - 7th Grade

Dear Parents and students,

This is the final run before summer starts. Stay focused!  Push through!  You can do this! We will study plants this week. Soon we will start dissections.  We will dissect a shark, a pig, and a few other creatures!

Here is our class schedule for this week:

9.1 Plant Characteristics
9.2 Importance of Plants
Notes an Practice: 9.3 Plant Life Cycle
Project: Illustrate and Diagram the life cycle of a plant. Make sure to explain each part of the process in 100 words.

9.6 Plant Classification
9.7 Nonvascular Plants
Notes an Practice: 9.8 Vascular Plants
Project: Find 3 very strange plants. Classify them. List whether they are vascular or nonvascular. Explain how they reproduce and at least 10 interesting facts.
HOMEWORK: BRING IN 3 different WEEDS WITH THE ROOTS and a leaf in a ziplock bag

9.9 Seed Plants
9.10 Angiosperm
Notes an Practice: 9.10
Project: Workbook 16.2
HOMEWORK: BRING IN 3 different WEEDS WITH THE ROOTS and a leaf in a ziplock bag

Read 9.11 Plant Cell
Read 9.12 Plant Tissue
Notes an Practice: 9.12
Project: 10 page paper on cell division in plants.
HOMEWORK: BRING IN 3 different WEEDS WITH THE ROOTS and a leaf in a ziplock bag

Friday: NO CLASS


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School