This Week in Biology (March 28 – April 1)

 In Biology, Scholars Prep Science - 7th Grade

Dear Parents and students,

It is time for spring break!  I hope all of you have a wonderful time.  Come back refreshed, rested and ready to work hard!

Here is our class schedule for this week:

Notes and Practice: 8.4 Protozoa
Read: 8.5 Algae
Read: 8.6 Mold
Finish Protist Project

Read: 8.7 Protists and Disease
Notes and Practice: 8.8 Fungi
Read: 8.9 Fungi Structure
Finish Protist Project

Notes and Practice: 8.10 Fungi Reproduction
Read: 8.12 Fungi Classification
Read: 8.13 Fungi Nutrition
Finish Protist Project


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School