This Week in Aviation (Sep 21-25)
Dear Parents and students,
We just finished out air foils and wind tunnels this week. This was a pretty large project. The students who built the project did an amazing job. We are now able to determine how much lift their air foils produce. It will be a couple of weeks before we have another engineering project. Some of the students thrive on engineering while others are looking forward to the research studies. Are you involved in aviation in some way? I am looking for experienced aviators, air traffic controllers, mechanics, and engineers to come to class and share with the students. Please let me know!
Here is our class schedule for the week:
2D3 Bellwork: How did people think about flying before the Wright’s successful flight? How do you think they felt about it afterwards? Project: Lesson D3 Student Activity 1: Changing Technologies Changing Ideas (Attached in Classwork)
Unit 2 Exam
3A1 Bellwork: Would you have flown on the first commercial airline? How do you think the ride would be? Project: Lesson A1 Student Activity 1: Beginnings of Commercial Airlines (Attached in Classwork)
3A2 Bellwork: Would you have flown on the first commercial airline? How do you think the ride would be? Project: Lesson A2 Student Activity 1: Aviation and WW1: Graphic Organizer (Attached in Classwork) Lesson A2 Student Activity 2: Aviation and WW1: More Power (Attached in Classwork)
3A2 Day 2 Class Game… AVIATION and WW1 Jeopardy Project: Lesson A2 Student Activity 3: Aviation and WW1: WW1 VIPs (Attached in Classwork)
All work is due Friday by 3 PM Powerpoints of lessons are attached here for those who miss class.
I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have. Feel free to contact me via email at any time.
Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,
Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School