This Week in Biology (Jan 11-15)

 In Biology, Scholars Prep Science - 7th Grade

Dear Parents and students,

It’s back to the grind!  It took a few days for all the students and teachers to wipe the sleep from their eyes after winter break and wake up but now we are ready for a strong quarter.  We are beginning to study ecosystems and biomes.  Each day your students are full of life and I am always inspired by their love for learning.

Science Fair Update:

Next week your student’s Science Fair Paper is DUE!  After this they will begin working on their powerpoints in preparation for the class presentations.  Please check in on them and see how they are doing!

The science fair will be virtual this year.  That means we will be using powerpoint and potentially video instead of the elaborately decorated boards. Please keep this in mind before you spend the money!

A website has been produced which has all the available information on the Science Fair and STEM Fest for this year. There are links to the directions and templates for the the science fair template as well as the templates for the research papers on the site.



Here is our class schedule for the week:

Notes and Practice: 6.6  Carbon Cycle
Create an illustration of the carbon cycle.  Use color.

Notes and Practice: 6.7  Nitrogen Cycle
200 words or more:   Explain the nitrogen cycle. What is it?  Why is the nitrogen cycle necessary for life?

Notes and Practice: 6.8  Biomes and Climate
Read: 6.9  Terrestrial Biomes
Create a story about an organism that lives in a biome of your choice.  Make sure to explain the following in the story as part of the dialogue or narration:
What is the biome the story is about?
How is this biome different than others?
Mention the different ecosystems in this biome and the different organisms in each.
This is a story, not informational text.  Be creative in how you add the required information.

Notes and Practice: 6.10  Aquatic Biomes
Read: 6.11  Freshwater and Wetland Biomes
Read: 6.12  Aquatic Organisms
Pretend you are an animal in a wetland biome.  Write a description of the biome from  the perspective of the organism of your choice as if they were trying to convince other organisms that their biome is the best to live in.

Science FAIR/STEM work Day


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School