This Week in Biology (Jan 4-8)

 In Biology, Scholars Prep Science - 7th Grade

Dear Parents and students,

Winter break is here!  However you celebrate this season I hope you have a wonderful time with family.  The students were challenged by the semester final, but they did exceptionally well!  I am proud of them and their diligent studiousness.

Just a reminder from last week:

Keep in mind that your student should probably work on their science fair experiment or stem project over the break.  The final paper will be due in january and the powerpoint will be due soon after.    The science fair will be virtual this year.  That means we will be using powerpoint and potentially video instead of the elaborately decorated boards. Please keep this in mind before you spend the money!

A website has been produced which has all the available information on the Science Fair and STEM Fest for this year. I was told that some people could not view this website but I believe it has been fixed so everyone can see it now. There are links to the directions and templates for the the science fair template as well as the templates for the research papers on the site.



Here is our class schedule for the week:

Read 6.1  Ecosystems

Notes and Practice: 6.2  Energy Flow

Choose an ecosystem of your choice.  Make an illustration of the ecosystem including the primary organisms.  Detail how each organism relies on others within the ecosystem.  Use color.


Notes and Practice: 6.3  Food Chain

Read: 6.4  Trophic Level

Create a detailed illustration of a food chain that ends with humans and begins with seaweed.  Make sure there are at least 6 links in the chain. Use color


Wednesday half day B

Notes and Practice: 6.5  Water Cycle

Create an illustration of the water cycle.  Use color.


Thursday half day A

Science FAIR/STEM Work Day


Friday Half Day B

Science FAIR/STEM Work Day


I would love to hear any feedback or questions you or your student may have.  Feel free to contact me via email at any time.

Thank you again for sharing your wonderful student with us this year,

Chris Newton
San Tan Charter High School